Decoder dialogues

Discuss and debate the big ideas affecting your generation

Decoder Dialogues bring experts and young people together around the same virtual table to tackle big — and sometimes controversial — topics. From climate change and technology to free speech and political movements, join the conversation on the issues that matter most to you. These events are free and open to anyone around the world.


“Let’s Talk Mental Health” | 15 November 2022

Mental health distress is on the rise worldwide, particularly among youth. We wanted to hear first-hand, what’s on the minds of young people around the world — and how are they coping? The one-hour webinar featured student panelists from News Decoder partner schools in Africa and the Americas, in conversation with a social entrepreneur working to improve youth access to mental healthcare across Central America. Watch a 5-minute recap below or the full one-hour discussion.


“The War in Ukraine” | March 2022

What does Russia’s invasion of Ukraine mean for the future of those two countries? For Europe? For the world? News Decoder correspondents and students from four continents engaged in a dialogue to tackle these crucial questions. Watch a 4-minute recap above, or the full one-hour discussion.

“Is Democracy Doomed?” | November 2021

Students from Belgium, Romania and the U.S. debated the future of democracy with Mete Coban, a leading youth democracy advocate from the U.K. See the full replay here.

These open-access activities are made possible by the generous support of News Decoder donors around the world. To help sustain and expand these free educational resources, please consider making a donation today. Thank you!

Decoder Dialogues
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